Familie!!! I am staying in Odense!!!!!! Odense for another transfer baby!!!
Lets go!! This week was definately a highlight week of the mish! We had to give
a last minute fire side to all the Young men in denmark #nobiggie and we had a
Camp Helamen
SO this is a legendary story that i will always remember! So last Friday,
so like ten days ago, we get this call from an American bro WHO told us that
there was going to be a youth camp out and we as missionaries needed to get
together and give a fireside on Tuesday about the Armour of God and the
Stripling Warriors. Then he told us that he would give us the information for
it. Tuesday comes around and we heard nothing about it so we just made other
plans. Then about at one thirty, and this thing starts at two.... we get a text
with the information and it is in the middle of no where like where these Woods
are and we are like there is no way. Then we call Prez O and ask him if the dude
even told him about it because the American bro told him that all the
missionaries on Fyn could go. Then Prez said that no one every called him and
told us to tell the American member up in Aalborg to call prez. Then we get a
call from Prez and he tells us we have to go and inspire some kids to go on
missions. Then we call the guy from Aalborg and we have to lead a fireside about
the armour of God and the stripling warriors. And i am like Elder Keller, and
cant even explain the Armour of God in English!!! Haha shout out to not paying
attention in Primary when i was Young.... woops lolzzzz! But we had like an hour
to whip something up, and we get there to the camp and then we find out that all
the Young men in Denmark will be there! So i got to see my squad from Gladsaxe
which was way sick to catch up with them and tthey said that I spoke way better
Danish now! Haha! Yesss! So i kicked the ball around with them and then had
hamburgers with the kids and then we had the time for our fireside! We all
surrounded a bon fire and it was way epic! So we just went in way chill, getting
to know them, asking WHO wants to go on a mission and where. Then we started
talking about the helmet, shield, breastplate, sword, shoes, and girdle your
loins. It was crazy. It went soo smooth and it is crazy cuz i didnt even know
the Words to the amour of god in Danish but i learned real quick lol. We talked
a lot about what we can do to have the armour of God with us by reading our
scriptures and praying. It was way cool to see them and a lot of them were not
that enthusiastic about our Little message and that reminded myself of me a
couple years ago. But you know elder reed, always skeeming. I could tell that we
were losing the kids attention in the middle of the fire side so i pulled a
couple fast ones and asked WHO has played American football?? And compared that
to the helmet, because if you dont Wear a helmet you will get hurt and i was
like i played and wore a helemet but i still got concussions and that is why i
am a Little crazy.... haha jokes for days... but i compared that to have the
helmet of salvation on by that we need to protect our thoughts from the
advesary. Then with the sword i was like WHO has seen star wars. Now WHO knows
darth mall??? And WHO remembers his double sided sword?? And like all the hands
in the camp went up lol! Now there is a scripture in the Bible that says the
Word of God is more powerful then a double sided sword and that if we keep ahold
of the Word of God that we can overcome Satans temptations. And i shared how
reading the scriptures changed my life and challenged them to read everyday :)
Then my last sports analogy came with the shield of faith. I asked WHO played
soccer?? Every hand is raised. Then i ask what happens if there is no defense in
a soccer game.... Well the other team would score a lot of goals! And i was like
exactly, and if we dont have our shield of faith, we will Loose our testimony!
Then after we have our Whole armour on, we are ready for battle like the
Stripling warriors and we compared it to a mission! It was so awesome to get
kids pumped to go on missions!! And it was insane to see our mouths just be
filled. It was so crazy because it was so easy to speak Danish and just after it
was over me and Elder Keller were like, we just gave an hour long fireside in
Danish that we had like no time to prepare for! So blessed. And like all the
kids loved us. They made shields for the Armour of God and three kids gave us
their shields! Haha! Way good memory to have!
Nadias Dåb!!
Well on Saturday Nadia got baptized! It was awesome to help her along the
way even though it seemed like she didn't needed it. haha she was a real Golden
Investigator. Like all of the Ward was at a wedding in København for a guy in
the ward's wedding so me and elder keller had to go crazy with making the programs and filling the font and all that good stuff! But it went super smooth
and there was a SUPER strong peaceful spirit there which was awesome. And I have
been soooo sick for the past two days so i couldn't give her the Holy Ghost. :(
I was in bed all Sunday morning and then went for the confirmation and then went
home and slept the rest of the day. I have just been way Dizzy and have had a
way bad headache so yea.... haha it has sucked but she still got the Holy Ghost
from Elder Bennet and it is awesome to see that she became a member! And it was
way cool because it was fast and testimony meeting yesterday and her uncle WHO
is in our Ward shared his testimony. And so he has been in Sweden for the Whole
short conversion process and said that he got invited to the cookie aften that
nadia came to on facebook and in the past he would have ingnored it but he got a
prompting from the holy ghost to say he wasn't going... leading to Nadia to see
it!! hAHA the church is soooo true!
Oh and on Friday we had a blizt splits where like 16 missionaries got to
come Down and we just went hard and found people for a couple hours. There was
also some members there from the second Ward so it was way cool. I got to knock
the richest houses in Odense with the missionary member legend Ken Hall so that
was interesting. Haha I guess he went crazy on his mission and baptized a Whole
bunch of people. And he like was all about breaking the ice at the door so we
had the funniest door approaches like asking for Water or like screaming and
saying we are here to save you! Haha so that was way solid! So F is going way
well. He passed Again but we didn't get the chance to meet with him last week:(
And F is from Germany but moved to denmark when he was Young. And C is going
solid too. SHe was on vacation last week so we didnt get to meet but she will be
a way good member friend for N. I didnt get to see EJ cuz we didnt go to CUV
because of the fireside on Tuesday. Me and Elder Keller are doing solid! We are
way pumped to go another one together and we are going to go way hard this
transfer so it should be good! And he has been way good to take care of me while
I have been sick so that it all good! AND NO we didnt move the piano and i didn't
see X these week either :( And Elder Teynor left to Bornholm to Elder Adams and
I guess they were best friends in high school so that is a Little fun. And Elder
Evans got Elder Gerber WHO is two transfers ahead of me. ANd hahahaha yes
Bill!!! That man is still going strong! We got to send the missionaries after
that man ;) Haha that sounds like a party! ANd that is funny Jace said my room
is still a mess! I swear I cleaned it before i left! haha! And that is crazy
with all the missionaries coming and going! Time is just flying! I love you
Æ Reed
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