Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Week #3 MTC

Hej verden!!!! Va sa!! Whats up in Danish, you know i had to learn that one!!! Ha ha! So I made it half way through the MTC!! The is going by so fast and i love it!!! So since it is our hump day, me and Weese might be shaving our legs.... ha ha! That is the plan to do something crazy but in the rules, but i don't know if i have the courage to do it so you will find out next week!! Ha ha!! Okay so to clarify that days feel like weeks and weeks feel like days is that the days seem forever! And that the weeks just come by sooo fast!! Like i feel like it was just yesterday that i was emailing everybody!! 

So I had to say goodbye to the famous Dutchy elders on Tuesday! It was sad, or traest pa dansk!! Those guys, or elders sorry all the rule followers out there, were sooo fun!! We made great memories with them! From balling out at foldbold to chilling at the rez, where we sleep, and messing around pranking people! I will send you pics of two of my favorite elders, we were great friends. But you know me, i am great at saying goodbyes now ha ha!! So i also sad goodbye to the main, JB Barlow which was sooo sad! We were planning on talking for like an hour during dinner on Sunday, but since it was fast Sunday the schedule got really messed up! But i saw him before the Sunday film and said by to him and took one last pic for 23 months!!! Sad stuff but i know without a doubt my boy will do work in Tahiti. Oh, so this isn't a goodbye, but I saw Phillip!! It was great to see him and we talked a little, and shout out to Danish because Japanese looks impossible. Talking about Moses Lake squad, i see Kenny sometimes and we like freak out when we see each other and give each other big hugs ha ha!! We get weird looks from people but i mean we got to get used to it because that is what we are going to get from people for two years!!!!

So besides p day, Sunday is my favorite day!!!! So first it was fast Sunday so that means no talk to prepare and to give so yes!!! So we just studied till like 12 had, priesthood class then after we had a district class. I got to teach the lesson on the Book of Mormon and it was too spiritual!! Ha ha!! There has got to be onions in that room because my eyes were watering during my testimony on that so shout out to the onions, i'm not a crier... Lol!!!! Umm then we had a testimony meeting and then a temple walk. That was tough because no food!!! We didn't get fed til like five!! But its all good, fasting is vigtig, important. So we had a devo which was really good which i will talk to in a bit and then we had Sunday movie night!! Yay! Jeg elsker movies ha ha! So the plan was to watch the Joseph Smith movie but i guess me, my comp, and my boy Adcox who is going to Sweden, got stuck in a pioneer movie! It was really good! It is crazy of all of the early saints trials they had! But there was this kissing scene during the movie, and i mean, we are missionaries we don't need that in our lives! So i kind of laughed with Adcox and like a hundred to two hundred missionaries got mad at us! But don't blame me! We don't need to be seeing that!! Ha ha it was really funny!!!! Also, sisters who were sitting next to us were like, be quiet or my comp is going to kill you... Oh man!! Ha ha it still was a good time!!!

So this language is coming!! It is so crazy to like think back from when i got here to now!! Oh if you wanted to know, Det er fedt, eller, det er sight, means like that is sick in danish! But in danish it translates to that is fat or that is chewy!! Weird language!!! Can I tell you ha ha!! Okay so i was getting really confident with my Danish and everything but shout out to Jesus for humbling me. So on Thursday we had something called TRC, which is like home teaching in Danish for twenty minutes!!! The first guy served a mission in Denmark, but he called himself a nerd so that was funny to try to joke with him! Then we taught a lady who was born in Kobenhavn and she is going to Seattle this week!! Crazy!! I was like, Jeg elsker Seattle, Seattle er meget smuk! I love Seattle and Seattle is beautiful! But what i mean by Jesus humbling me is that they talked sooooooo fast!!! Geez!! I got a long way to go! But i will work hard and it will be fun!! So i have two like, the church is true, moments during my Danish lessons this week! ha ha! Okay so the first one i was teaching my teacher, or fake investigator, and he was being hard with us. We were talking about the restoration, shout out to Joseph Smith ha ha, and we were talking about God and he was like where do we come from and then he said forstar i, which is do you understand. And i was like yea, i understood everything and i didn't even know some of the words! Anyways my point is that i remembered a scripture in Abraham talking about before we came here and all that good stuff, and it came to my remembrance like bam!!! It was crazy!!!! Like i was never the best seminary student or anything and didn't know my scriptures that well, but i went right to it!! Second cool experience was that we invited our other fake investigator to watch general conference on Sunday and got in a huge discussion on prophets and our lesson plan was on on the plan of salvation and we didn't go near that plan! The holy ghost really does guide you even though it is a fake teaching opportunity! But Danish is coming and i can almost read and pronounce everything correctly so that is fun! ha ha Oh and there is a kid from Denmark going to Iceland, and we have been attacking him because he got here yesterday, to talk to him in Danish! Like hey, welcome to America now we want to talk to you in Danish ha ha!!! Good stuff!

So i am pretty sure that the food is getting worse and worse each day!! For dinner last night i had to get captain crunch because the food was just not good! It was sad. But whoever is reading this right now, look of Jeremiah 4:19-20, and that explains perfectly the MTC food perfectly! So that is Elder Reeds good word for the week to everyone!! ha ha!

So gym time is so clutch like i say it is every week! I did miss it once because we had service in the morning and we had gym like at 6 30 so like my whole district just slept in! Ha ha i felt bad, not that we slept in, but because i missed balling! So we had a district volleyball game on Thursday, and we lost and i was sad ha ha! But we played today for like an hour and it was soo fun!! We played in the sand pits and i like dived and everything so i have like sand every where on me right now so that is fun stuff!!! Ha ha Oh then i played three on three soccer and it was great! I was megging, putting the ball between people's legs for all those non soccer players out there, like everyone! It was soooo fun! I played with Elder Allred from Germany and he is really good! Oh and also i played a little indoor soccer in our rez with Fairbanks Nerf basketball and that was really fun too!!! ha ha! Sweaty work!!!

The Good Word
So on Sunday there was a devo by Brother Allen and he is a like the tech guy for the church and he was sooo funny! He started out saying Byu sucks, losing to Michigan, and how good Utah is by them beating Oregon which still surprises me!!!
It was crazy! Then he was like is there any BYU football players in the audience and some skinny guy stood up and i was like, hes got to be the kicker... and of course I was right!! Ha ha Then he was hating on all of the Elders and told us not to flirt with the sisters.... of course we don't! So I have a story on that... so one night after class going down the stairs from class i started talking to these eight sisters and i asked them where they are going. And of course they said Washington! I was like, that's where I am from! Then they said they are going to Federal way and i was like, oh they are all ballers!!!! Ha ha! Then i told them i played in state against them, and they were impressed ha ha! But don't worry, know emails were exchanged and i'm focused on only the work here!! Ha ha anyways back to the talk, this guy was like the media commercial producer or whatever of Mormon messages from tv and like showed us a bunch! My favorite thing he said was that If people say you cant, you can! You have to believe in yourself and when people reject you, you got to still be confident! Also, he said to be yourself so that's what i'm out here doing! Then we got to watch Richard G Scott's funeral and my testimony of the atonement grew soooo much!! Man it was good stuff! I really like when one of the apostles said that Richard G Scott had an apostolic confirmation that Jesus Christ is the Savior of the world which is awesome to think about! Then on Sunday Elder Costa from the presidency of the 70 spoke and it was really motivating! My favorite thing he said was that the best missionaries have a desire to serve God and to forget about themselves and I am going to definitely apply that in my life so i have some spiritual goodness everyday!

So all in all i am doing great! I love being a missionary and I love teaching!! The spirit is so strong when I testify in my broken danish and I love it!! My district is so awesome! We are so close but we mess around a lot and maybe need to focus a little more.... ha ha but fun is good to so we don't go crazy in this place! ha ha Oh and shout out to Katelynn for being the best dancer out there! That is so sick that she got to dance with Alex Boye!!! His music is clutch! I miss music so much and i love to hear anything because it is sooo motivating!! Jeg elsker musik!!! So i'm about to take a clutch nap right now so that will be sweet! Oh and i'm so excited for my fosleday and general conference! Oh man!! It will be dope!!!! Oh and shout-out to Calvin for going to New Zealand!! That will be sooo sick and im excited for him ha ha!!! I miss you all and I love you mom and dad! Jeg ved at evangliet kan stykker famalie. Strkker familier vil hjaelp familier fole glade! Jeg elsker Jesu Kristi evangalium! Jeg elsker den gennem Jesu Kristi forsoning vi kan blive tilgivelese for vores synder! Den give mig lytte i mine liv! Jeg onsker til bele desse budskab med alt meneskers pa Danmark! Jeg ved at denne evangalium kan aendre andre menneskers lives!!! Jeg elsker missionaer arbjeder!!! Jeg elsker jer alt!!!! 
Vi ses!
Aldste Reed

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