Ældste Reed- Denmark Copenhagen Mission
Monday, October 2, 2017
Monday, September 25, 2017
Last Letter...
YO I MADE IT!! haha last week and it will be a vacation with
going to Copenhagen and seeing General Conference! And yea this will be the
last time emailing.. i think i will have a little time next monday but not too
So Jonathan is getting the Priesthood in two weeks and
Nikoline is doing great! Arne is progressing! We taught him about faith this
week and he really understands faith and how to build and develop his faith! he
is like 70 so he is an older fellow. Mor told us to tell him he needs to get
baptized soon because who knows when he dies haha savage mor... and i have a
scale in svendborg and my bags are barely over 50 pounds so i will take some
things out. Well i will send you my last letter to President O'Bryant
President O'Bryant,
Well I just want to let you know that my mission has really
been the best two years of my life. My testimony has grown so much in Jesus
Christ and his gospel and I would not trade this experience with anything! I
guess I will share some memorable spiritual moments of my mission with
you and they all have to deal with the awesome people I got the opportunity to
help teach and baptize.
The first story is Caroline. So I remember my first Sunday
in Odense a member came up to me and said that a girl named Caroline is coming
and she just broke up with her boy friend who was holding her back from the
church so we need to have a lesson right now... So we taught her with two other
members on the spot and Caroline told us she has one foot in the church and one
foot out of the church. She did not know what to do. I remember I told her,
well looks like we should all pray right now and ask God what you should do. So
all five of us at the lesson knealed down in a circle each said a prayer one by
one. I remember the spirit was pretty strong but when Caroline said her first
sincere prayer, the spirit was so thick in the room. I never felt anything
stronger. She asked if God was there and what she should do. Everyone was in
tears after that and she got baptized a couple months later. It was awesome to
help her a long her conversion process and see her testimony in Jesus Christ
grow and grow. Some memories from that were that she bore her testimony before
she was baptized and said that church felt like coming home for her and
whenever she helped teach us after she was baptized and her telling the
investigator how much joy the gospel brought her and that it was true
The next person is Nadia. This was another insane miracle
story. So in Odense we had an activity in the church every Thursday. We had our
ward mission leader invite the ward via Facebook. There was one member in the
ward that never went to these activities but he said he got the prompting to
relpy and say he would not be attending because he was in Sweeden so random.
Well, his neice Nadia saw the message on her Facebook because her uncle
responded and that same day she found her old CTR ring when she investigated the
church five years ago and her old Book of Mormon. So she took that as a sign
that she needed to go to this activity. So she walks in all alone and none of
us know who she is. So we talk to her and find out her dad is an inactive
member and we ask if she wants to be taught the lessons. She agrees so we teach
her two days later the Restoration. We asked her if she finds out the message
is true will she be baptized. She said yes and she felt a calm peace ever since
we sat down. The next day after church we taught her the Plan of Salvation and
it was one of the most spiritual lessons of my mission. Elder Keller and I were
just testifying of Jesus Christ all through the lesson and we brought a new
convert and she was bearing strong testimony and the spirit was so STRONG!
After we asked if she got an answer from God and she said that she prayed the
night before and just felt a super strong spirit. She continued praying because
she loved feeling the Holy Ghost. I said well it looks like you got your answer
and told her she prayed about a date and told her the 6th of August. Then her
mouth dropped and said she had a dream last night that she was baptized on that
day! We were all just feeling the spirit so strong and Nadia was baptized on
the 6th of August. :D
William will be one of my most memorable converts. I love
this guy so much! I remember when the sisters started teaching him that he was
saying how he just did not have direction in his life and just seeing the
gospel bring him happiness was so awesome. When Elder Erickson and I started
teaching him, we became great friends with him. A way spiritual memory with him
was when we were teaching him about the Prophet Thomas S. Monson. We were
prompted to share with him the Mormon Message Dare to Stand Alone. After
William says to us this is exactly what he needed because he felt so alone
because he changed his standards and he did not want to be with all of his
friends some influenced him to not live his life in harmony with the gospel. He
said it was crazy how the Prophet gave a talk six years ago and what he said
was exactly what he needed. I saw William a couple weeks ago at a baptism in
Slagelse and just to see how happy he is from living the gospel made me so
The next person is Monique. She is so awesome! She met the
church in China while studying over there and felt the spirit really strong.
When she came back to Denmark she visited the church once but then never got in
contact with the missionaries. Then Elder Dibble and I got in contact with her and
we taught her and she wanted a Book of Mormon but was pretty skeptical about
the church. Then the second time we taught her we taught her the Plan of
Salvation and just testified of Christ throughout the lesson. Again the spirit
was incredibly strong. We got her on date and then the night a member told us
she posted a post on Facebook that said I felt the spirit for the first time
since China! So that was awesome! But her parents were not to glad for the
church so we she never made her baptismal date. Then when I was in Fredericia
last transfer I got a text from her saying that she went to Fest i Nord and
that she felt the spirit so strong and that she always wanted to be baptized
and asked me to baptize her! That was a great memory.
Jonathan is a young man of not too many words. But after his
baptism he said he felt so much lighter and that was awesome to hear from him.
Jonathan always lit up like a light bulb when we talked about the gospel.
Anja was the craziest miracle story ever. It was Elder Wrights
first day in the land when we get a call from Lan le saying she just taught her
neice and she wants to be baptized in Denmark but she is leaving to Germany the
next week so she would have to be baptized in two days. So we taught her and
she really understood that she is a daughter of God! So she got baptized in
less then 48 hours after we met her and there was definately a light shining
from her eyes when she got baptized and received the Gift of the Holy
Nikoline is the last one. She is a big testimony to me that
people here are prepared, you just have to find them. She quit partying and
drinking a couple years ago because she realized that it is pointless. She
started investigating the church out of curiousity but then she got a testimony
that the church is true!
My mission will be a HUGE blessing on my life because it
taught me that true joy comes from living the gospel of Jesus Christ and
helping others repent. It set the tone for the rest of my life to always share
the gosple with others and I know with all my heart that the Church of Jesus
Christ of Latter-Day Saints is the only true and living church. I know that
Jesus Christ is my Savior and that He lives. Jospeh Smith humbly prayed that
spring morning and saw God the Father and His Son Jesus Christ and he restored
the gospel of Jesus Christ back to this earth to bring us peace and happiness!
I love this church and the gospel!!!!
I LOVE YOU PARENTS!!! THANK you for making this missin
experience possible!
Vi ses!!!
Monday, September 18, 2017
Week #106
Hey fam! Two more weeks! Totally crazy!
Some highlights were singing the national anthem and other
America songs at Mors house with the sisters which were pretty legendary. Oh
and homie ELder Howe skyped mor the same time we were singing and so i talked
to the bro for a little bit which was way clutch! We threw down with our bro
David from Spain and called him out for not wanting to pray about the Book of
Mormon because he feared that he would get an answer and would have to change
his life. The spirit is clutch.We threw down with Jan and he finally realized
that our churches are different by the way we live the gospel of Jesus Christ.
So FINALLY we broke threw with the bro.
Pretty cool miracle on Wednesday. It
was raining down soooo hard and we were getting soaked out of our minds. We had
to go to Odense that night to film our vid for the ward party but we couldnt go
on Thursday so we needed a miracle. We prayed that the weather we clear up for
the movie and went on the train in faith. And the weather ended up clearing
up!! SO clutch! Little miracles happen all the time with faith. I will give you
guys the link to the movie. We met some sweet new investigators! We got in
contact with an old investigator that lives in a swamp so that was pretty cool!
It was a little adventure just to find the bros house but after going through i
little forest and hopping through a swamp we found the bro and taught him. He
is pretty open minded and i am way stoked for the bro! I think he is really
positive! We also found another way positive young girl! She listened to the
whole Restoration story and got way stoked about it and went from completly
athiest to wanting to read and pray. It was way cool to see her actually
listening to what we had to say and her reaction because it is a marvelous
story!!! We also found a lady from Bosnia who believes in a universal God and
believes in Christ and went from being athiest to believing in God becuase of a
couple miracles in her life so that was good schemes. We taught our bro Arne
and he wants to be baptized! It was crazy! We gave him 2 Nephi 31 and he said
he did not understand a lot from it. So we read it and explained the gospel of
Jesus Christ in depth and he really wants to be baptized to have a new beginning,
a fresh start with his life so his date is for the end of October!
Saturday was
a chill day with soccer with the ward which was soooo fun and then we watched
the Book of Mormon movies and had a ward party! It was awesome and I got to
bear my testimony and I told everyone to do share the Book of Mormon with their
friends! So that was chill nok. I cant wait til you guys see the movie it is so
And on Sunday ELder Wright confirmed Nikoline. He did a really good job
for the blessing. The Gift of Tongues is real!
Hey fam! Two more weeks! Totally crazy!
Monday, September 11, 2017
Week #105
I love America! 2 Nephi 1 verse 6 through 9!! Another dope week on the mish. Time is winding down! Hit my two year mark this Saturday And another baptism!! Lets go!
So real quick rundown of the week. Monday was P day and we filmed a movie at the ward mission leaders house for a ward activity this Saturday. All the groups in the ward are making a movie from a scene from the book of Mormon and we are doing Ammon and I am Ammon haha! I will try to send it to you when I am done! We taught people this week nothing too crazy. We did service in the middle of some woods again which was dope. We carried logs and moved wood so we got pretty worked! We had my last zone conference so i got to bear my last testimony.
And Then Saturday i had my final interview with president and Nikoline was baptized! She was so stoked! It was awesome! And it was my two year mark which makes things even more crazy! And Elder Jensen was there so that was cool to be together on our two year mark and see how much we have changed from the MTC. Then we took a road trip with Mathius who is going on his mission to Japan soon to stake conference which was way fun! 
Then Sunday Nico and Steffano drove us to stake conference where I got to see Tobi Hendrickson the member which was awesome! Not sure how the new converts are doing but Jonathan is doing good! He will get the priesthood next week i think! And actually way cool story with elder wright! We were teaching Michael Gitte and Daniel and they were going off how they will not give up their money to be married and we planned on throwing down about how we need to make sacrifices to show our faith and obedience but we were both prompted otherwise! We read 3 Nephi 18 about praying with faith in Christ and it be right and it shall be given unto you and promised them if they stop smoking and keep the commandments and pray with all their heart that they will be able to be married and be baptized. And Elder Wright and I were going back and forth and he was speaking way good Danish that I never heard from him before so that was actually pretty incredible to be apart of! And lets go Reid dog and Jace! Lets hope they will remember me haha! And Katelynn looks way FIRE haah! Crazy so many natural disasters are happening.... And ii heard BYU is not too good this year... oh well! And I got my birthday package thank you guys!! I love you guys so much and am stoked to see you bros soon!!!
Monday, September 4, 2017
Week #104 Svendborg
Another great week here with a lot of sweet stories and
miracles and a baptism!!!! Life is good.
So Monday we cut wood up in the middle of some forest in the
middle of Fyn so that was pretty legit. Elder Wright and I definately got yoked
from that! Then we ate with Lan Le and said bye to Anja and referred her to
Germnay because she wants the missionaries to teach her brothers down there!
good schemes.
Tuesday was a really busy day. We taught Jan our friends from the
Pentacostal church. We talked about the Gospel of Jesus Christ and Joseph
Smiths role in restoring it and the bro is digging the book of Mormon more and
more each time we visit him and he came to church this week and brought his
friends so that is dope schemes!! Then we taught Michael and Gitte and their
son Daniel was there. The good news is that Daniel wants to be baptized with
his family but there is bad news too..... Pretty much they will not get married
so they can have a better lifestyle and so we are working on getting them
married again. So please help pray for that. :D Then we knocked on one door and
met a way cool brother from the Ivory Coast who is Catholic and he wants to
learn more about the Book of Mormon.
Then Wednesday we taught sheila and threw
down about faith and how she hopes that there is a God and a purpose in life so
that was fun. Then we met with a reporter bro who contacted us in the library
like three weeks ago. He said our sales pitch of the Restoration was the best
religion sales pitch ever! So that was cool he wants to show us his fam so he
is a dope bro. Then we taught two girls from Romania who are Roman Orthodox.
They were saying how the churches there all translate the Bible wrong and it is
just apastasy. They got so stoked to hear about the Restoration and they skyped
there friend from Romania who loves church about us while we were there! Then
we taught Jonathan and read with him and then we taught David the bro from
Spain. He tried bringing up anti stuff but we wrecked that and then hit the bro
with the spirit!
Then Thursday we had district meeting and then Nikoline passed
her interview and she is getting baptized this Saturday! Then we taught Michael
og Gitte and they still do not want to get married. Then we ate with Solvej and
read from the Book of Mormon with her!
Friday we met with a bro named Arne who
contacted us on the street during P day! Way cool! He is 60 had a lot of fam
members die so we talked about the POS and it went well. He doesnt believe but
he hopes that it is all true so we are working on that. Then we went on splits
with Odense 1 Elders and Elder Preece and I ate with my homies Nico and Steffano
so that was way dope. They are good bros.
Saturday was a day for the books. So we had correlation
meeting with Ken at 8 in the morning. I got to the station at 9 to catch my
train in twenty minutes but i couldnt find my wallet and it always is in my
bag.... so i am tripping. i bike back to the odense 1 apartment and it takes me
like 20 minutes to find my wallet. Then we are hustling to get back to the
station to catch the next train to slagelse i almost got rammed by a car and my
bike chain fell off. We FINALLY made it alive and i got on my train ok. I was
like what else could go wrong.... Then i realized the train did not stop in
Nyborg and my heart sank.... i realized i got on a fast train and it doesnt
stop in slagelse.... so i call the elders there and with william to get
directions to get back and to postpone the baptism. So i finally make it to
Høje Taastrup and then get on a train back to slagelse. (I was in four of my
areas in one day.... pretty cool ;) ) Anyway, finally got there rolled in and
the baptism went great!! Elder Dibble made a recording about the Holy Ghost so
he talked to us which was awesome to see! And it was good to see William! He is
the dopest bro! Then i got back and ate with Lan Le and Lukas Hager!!!! the bro
and his fam came so that was way awesome!!!
So Anja can speak English, Vietnamese and German and I
refered the sisters to her over there and she knows where the church is! We
have to teach Jonathan about the Preisthood this week and he will get in two
weeks so he can go to the temple! And thanks for praying for my investigators.
And i am pretty sure Lasse is done so yea. And Elder Wright is the dopest bro!
We goon so hard and he doesnt know that guy who you asked. His dad is a stake
president. That is awesome Jaime is working in the temple! That is my boy! haha
the legend of elders reed and wright that is awesome!!!!! I love you fam and
keep on being ballers!! 
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